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Home2024 Golf Croquet World Championship

We are months away.  Excitement is building.


Please contact Michael Albert for Tournament Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities Michael Albert -

Volunteer Opportunities- Bev Cardo -

For Sponsorship Packages Click Here


Key Personnel

Title   Name
Director   Michael Albert
Manager   Jeff Soo
WCF Event Lead   Jeff Soo
Referee   Cheryl Bromley
Club Contact   Macey White

American players

entered to play

by their WCF awarded ranking places.

Matt Essick

Matt Essick

Current World Champion

David Maloof

Ben Rothman

Past World Champion


Sherif Abdelwahab


Danny Huneycutt

Chris Barley

Chris Barley

Stephen Morgan

Stephen Morgan

David Maloof

David Maloof

American players who have been selected to play by the USCA

GC Selection Committee


Tom Balding


Blake Fields


Tamer Hatata


Kyle Maloof


Ahab Abdelwahab


Paul Bennett


Mohammad Kamal


Macey White

US Team Alternate Players

Kent Lovvorn

Paul Neubecker

Damon Bidencope

Billy Harper

Event Details

The 2024 Golf Croquet World Championship will be held in Virginia, USA at the Chesapeake Bay Croquet Club between Friday 18th October and Saturday 26th October 2024. The Event capacity is 80 players.

Qualifying Competition

The qualifier will be held at the same venue between the four days of 13th- 16th October.  Details on how to enter will be available within the next few days.


Shirts with collars and sleeves are required. Players are invited to wear their WCF-approved national player uniforms. Otherwise, players when competing are required to wear predominantly white (75%) clothing is required (except for footwear, hats, and rain clothing). The USCA and CBCC actively encourages and welcomes all supporters, guests, and participants when not competing to display their country colors. CBCC actively encourages club play and guests attire that is non-white.

Welcome Ceremony, Registration and Practice

The welcome ceremony will be on Thursday 17th October 2024. Players should plan to arrive soon after lunch for registration. Practice will be available.


There will be a dinner and other socials arranged for during the event. These will be published on the Event page of the USCA website nearer the time:

Balls and Hoops

Dawson balls with be used. Hoops are expected to be Quadways.


Details on how to pay will be sent out to players shortly after the closing date.

Main Event Dates

Invitation Date

22 January 2024. This is the date that Members will be formally invited to send players to participate in this event.

Response Date:

19 March 2024. This is the date by which Member nominations for Ranking and Wild Card places must have been received by the WCF Management Committee. Members must also specify the number of Membership Places they wish to take up and RCO's should advise if they would like to request a Membership Place.

Allocation Date

2 April 2024. The World Ranking List to be used to determine the initial allocation of Ranking Places is that published at the end of the Allocation Date. 

Announcement Date

16 April 2024. By this date the breakdown of places will be advised and players awarded an Initial Ranking Place or Wild Card will be announced.

Closing Date

16 May 2024. This is the last date Members can nominate players for their Membership Places.

Within 1 to 2 days the MC will announce recipients of Membership Places and Replacement Ranking Places and request payment.

Player Contact Details & Bios

16 June 2024. This is the date by which players are asked to provide their contact details, bio's and a headshot photo. 

Entry Fee Due Date

18 June 2024. Per Sports Reg Appendix 2 6.1. Any players awarded a place on the Announcement Date will lose their place if they have not paid by this date.

Main Event Cut-off Date

2 September 2024. This is the date after which returned places are generally filled by creating extra Qualifier Places instead of Replacement Ranking Places.